Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Freezer Bag Cooking

I'm digging around on the ol' Internets to find some recipes for the kids that are not 'gado gado spaghetti' which they would eat every single time if I let them because that's the one thing they know how to make.

I think for this hike we're going to try to put together some freezer-bag meals--to help with portioning and avoid the "Wait, WHO is carrying the noodles?" only to realize that the noodles actually got left in the car (to be honest this has NEVER happened to us, save the unforgettable Nutella-gate of 2010 and the great oatmeal-famine of 2011).

It will also allow us to cut down on dishes and allow us to feed more people more quickly -- there's only SO MUCH you can cook in 2 2L pots and we're going to be hiking in 2 groups of 6 people, so anyway we can streamline our cooking process is going to be important.

 Freezer Bag Recipes

When the girls pick some out, I'll post them up here so you all can see what the Youth are eating These Days.