Friday, June 10, 2011

Day -275

Subtitle:  Scout Awards

Today we're having the end of the year award ceremony.  I wish I could say that I spend lots of time reflecting on how wonderful the girls are in philosophical and eloquent ways, but I don't.  I'm usually busy packing or unpacking gear, running after folks with paperwork, writing emails that may or may not be read, thumbing through the badge book and generally testing the limits of my memory and patience.  This is not to say that I don't think the girls are the coolest kids on the planet.  Obviously I enjoy what I do, or I wouldn't put in the (probably) 300+ hours a year to help make Troop 48 the rockin'est troop in the area.  I love hanging out with them and watching them try new things or pull of something especially challenging is really rewarding.  And they're funny, hilarious even (when they're not screaming). 

Maybe I should hire a speech writer.

In other news:
275 days until March 12, 2012.  I've lost my lexan cup.  I couldn't find it when I was packing for the O'Leno trip a few weeks ago.  I'm really bummed out about that--not because it's a valuable cup or especially fancy or anything but I liked it.  My dad bought it for me before he took me on my first ever backpacking trip in 1995.  So-long lexan cup, you'll be missed.  At least we can say you were durable.  Guess this means I have a reason to stop by REI next week!